Tag: Nigerian Swallow

"Connecting You to Global Culinary Traditions"


Nigerian – Fufu

Fufu is a popular Nigerian swallow food made from fermented and pounded cassava, yam, or plantains, which are boiled, pounded, and then molded into a smooth, stretchy dough-like consistency. It is commonly served with soups such as Egusi Soup, Ogbono Soup, Afang Soup, or Bitterleaf Soup. Fufu is a staple in many West African countries,...

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Nigerian – Eba

Eba is a popular Nigerian dish made from garri (fermented cassava flour). It is commonly consumed as a side dish or swallow food that is paired with soups, stews, or sauces. Eba is loved for its smooth texture and ability to complement a variety of Nigerian soups such as Egusi Soup, Afang Soup, Ogbono Soup,...

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